24 October 2012

Genres I read

Presupun că fiecare dintre voi are un gen după care îşi alege următoarea carte pe care o va citi. Eu am mai multe şi mi-e destul de greu să-mi aleg o carte nouă. Am decis să descriu fiecare gen. De la început am vrut să pun şi nişte exemple, însă, cred că asta voi face în următoarele postări.

Young Adult, sau simplu YA -  este ficţiune scrisă, publicată, sau comercializată pentru adolescenţi şi tineri (young adults), vârsta este cuprinsă, de obicei, între aproximativ 12 şi 18 ani. Subiectul cărţilor descrie, de cele mai multe ori, experienţa şi vârsta caracterului principal, care este întotdeauna un adolescent, dar include şi anumite componente ficţionale. Problema principală în aceste cărţi sunt provocările tinereţii.
Temele abordate de acest gen: propria identitate, propria sexualitate, SF, depresie, sinucidere, abuz de droguri, abuz de alcool, conflicte în familie, agresiune şi altele.
Sunt discutate şi abordate problemele: prietenia, dragostea, concurenţa, banii, divorţ, relaţiile între membrii unei familii, etc.
(referinţă wiki)
"The culture that surrounds and absorbs young adults plays a huge role in their lives. Young Adult Literature explores themes important and crucial to adolescence such as relationships to authority figures, peer pressure and ensuing experimentations, issues of diversity as it relates to gender, sociocultural, and/or socioeconomic status. Primarily, the focus is centered around a young lead character and the reader experiences emotions, situations, and the like through this character and is able to see how these problems/situations are resolved. It also needs to play a significant role in how we approach this group and the books we offer them to read.
Common traits of young adult novels: “friendship, getting into trouble, interest in the opposite sex, money, divorce, single parents, remarriage, problems with parents, grandparents, younger siblings, concern over grades/school, popularity, puberty, race, death, neighborhood, and job/working”.
Note: sunt foarte multe cărţi interesante de aşa gen, eu le citesc mai rar, dar totuşi le mai citesc şi îmi şi plac ;)"
Paranormal Romance - este un subgen al romanului care include şi elemente fantastice. Adică, sunt îmbinate realitatea cu fantasticul sau SF-ul. Accentul cărţilor de acest gen este pus pe ficţiune care cuprinde un subiect romantic în centrul său. Cele mai întâlnite subiecte abordate de scriitorii acestui gen sunt relaţiile romantice între oameni şi vampiri, demoni, vîrcolaci sau alţi shapeshifteri, fantome, călătorii în timp, şi alte entităţi ale fantasticului sau de altă natură (otherworldly). De altfel, unele cărţi pot include şi oameni cu anumite abilităţi psihice, ca de exemplu telekineza sau telepatia, sau chiar vrăjitoare.
Acest gen este unul dintre cele mai actuale.
(referinţă wiki)
"Paranormal romance blends the real with the fantastic or science fictional. The fantastic elements may be woven into an alternate version of our own world in an urban fantasy involving vampires, demons, and/or werewolves, or they may be more "normal" manifestations of the paranormal—humans with psychic abilities, witches, or ghosts. Time-travel, futuristic, and extraterrestrial romances also fall beneath the paranormal umbrella.
These novels often blend elements of other subgenres, including suspense and mystery, with their fantastic themes. A few paranormals are set solely in the past and are structured much like any historical romance novel. Others are set in the future, sometimes on different worlds. Still others have a time-travel element with either the hero or the heroine traveling into the past or the future."

Urban Fantasy - este un subgen al fantasticului definit însă de locul în care se dezvoltă subiectul cărţilor, şi anume cadru urban.  

(referinţă wiki) 
"Urban fantasy is a sub-genre of fantasy defined by place; the fantastic narrative has an urban setting. Many urban fantasies are set in contemporary times and contain supernatural elements. However, the stories can take place in historical, modern, or futuristic periods. The prerequisite is that they must be primarily set in a city. 
Urban fantasy describes a work that is set primarily in a city and contains aspects of fantasy. These matters may involve the arrivals of alien races, the discovery of earthbound mythological creatures, coexistence between humans and paranormal beings, conflicts between humans and malicious paranormals, and subsequent changes in city management.

Distinction from paranormal romance

Like paranormal romance, urban fantasy is a genre in which the overwhelming majority of both authors and readers are women. Because urban fantasy so frequently has prominent romantic elements, those unfamiliar with two genres can easily confuse them. In an online commentary, author Jeannie Holmes described differences between urban fantasy and paranormal romance.
The two share 90% of their genre DNA. However, the main differences are this: Urban fantasy focuses on an issue outside of a romantic relationship between two characters. Paranormal romance focuses on a romantic relationship between two characters and how outside forces affect that relationship. The best litmus test to determine if a story is urban fantasy or paranormal romance is to ask the following question: 'If the romance between Character A and Character B were removed, would the plot still stand as a viable storyline?' If the answer is 'yes,' chances are good it's urban fantasy. If the answer is 'no,' it's most likely paranormal romance."

Contemporary Romance - este un subgen al romanului în care subiectul are loc în timpul contemporan.
(referinţă wiki)
"Contemporary romance, which is set after World War II, is often what people mean when they refer to a romance novel. Contemporary romance novels—the largest sub-genre—are set in the time when they are written, and usually reflect the mores of that time. Heroines in contemporary romances prior to 1970 usually quit working when they marry or have children—while heroines after 1970 usually have, and keep, a career."

Şi mai nou, azi am dat de un articol care descrie un nou gen (îl puteţi citit şi voi aici) :

New Adult, sau simplu NA - este un subgen mai nou al ficţiunii pentru tineri între, aproximativ, 14 - 30 de ani, propusă pentru prima dată în 2009, de către St. Martin's Press. Ei doreau să se adreseze şi tinerilor care au probleme de identitate venite odată cu vârsta. 
(referinţă wiki)
"St. Martin’s Press editors wanted to address the coming-of-age that also happens in a young person’s twenties. They wanted to consider stories about young adults who were legally adults, but who were still finding their way in building a life and figuring out what it means to be an adult . This category is intended to be marketed to post-adolescents and young-adults ages 14 to 35. This age group is considered to be the lucrative 'cross-over' category of young-adult titles that appeal to both the young-adult market and to an adult audience."

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